This is a different post from usual, I realised that my audience here has grown a LOT since I started, and I thought it would be useful to highlight the best articles, for those who may have missed them.
This is based on the number of people recorded as reading the articles.
5. Photos of the N1 in the Factory.
Photos of the N1 and related hardware are always popular, so I wasn’t surprised when a collection of seldom seen photos was widely read.
4. The Lunar Expeditionary Program.
Details of the most advanced lunar project conceived in the Soviet Union, a permanent crewed base on the Moon. This would need the Vulkan super-heavy launcher.
Number 3 LK and LOK final versions.
Details of the last iteration of plans for a mission based on LOK and LK, and it’s a rare case of having a good chunk of text describing the concepts in some detail.
2. Crewed Mars Nuclear Missions.
This rated two posts, and covers plans for crewed missions to Mars, first using the Aelita designs, then the Mars 87 nuclear designs. There’s a LOT of detail, and many illustrations.
The first part covers new information on the 1969 “Aelita” mission concept, and how it was developed into the 1987 mission architecture.
Part 2 focuses firmly on the Mars 87 design, and includes details of no less than FIVE versions that were considered. Lots of details on arrangements to ensure crew safety, and even a video from the time showing the assembly sequence!
1. Plan for the N1-L3M, up to N1-23L.
So much exciting information in this, I’m not surprised it was popular. Project plans, and launch schedules, (with original documents), out to the N1-23L, and a two launch Moon landing in 1980.
This editions cool image:
Vadim Lukasevich, the absolute master of Buran info, (and owner of the Buran.Ru website), has chased down some amazing new photos, and this is one of over 50 he is currently working on. Apparently these were take from a chase plane with the side hatch open, and the photographer secured with 3 ropes!
This editions cool link:
This one is more for the serious researchers, “Collection of works of the International scientific and practical conference dedicated to the memory of outstanding domestic scientists and designers, cosmonauts, creators and testers of space technology”, Volume V
It’s in Russian, so you will probably need translation built into your browser.
This editions 7 day download:
All 12 editions of the Russian language Novosti Kosmonavtiki space exploration magazines from 2003.
Click here or on the image to download.
Treasure Trove Nick! When's the book coming out:)?