This edition gets you a bumper bundle of little-known photos of N-1 Hardware!
A note of introduction:
The quality of the source images was not great, they were small and scratched. In this case I have used AI tools to recover details, it worked fairly well, but be aware that fine details are not to be trusted 100%. In particular the software is fond of adding slight curves to straight elements at the smallest scales.
The captions under each image are directly translated from the source.
The photos:
Assembling a grid fin / stabiliser

View of factory floor:
This seems to be a fairly early stage of assembly the big tank, (rear and centre), has only the bottom half built, and the stuff to the right looks like frames for building stages one and two.
Tank assembly frame:
This is some sort of construction frame for assembling tank segments into larger sections, for transportation for final assembly.
Assembled tanks:
Here we see two fuel tanks, and the supports that hold them against the thermal bridge.
Tank interior structure:
Fuel and oxidiser tanks in different stages of assembly. The photo is fairly badly scratched, but provides a great view of the internal structure of the tanks. Apparently this is where the tank were assembled into hemispheres, for transport to the final assembly site.
“Power rings”
And another frame that looks like it’s for assembly tank segments. I think the “power ring” refers to the strong frame around the “equator” of hull, on which the main tanks are suspended.
Stages 1 and 2 main hull:
First stage is on the right, second stage on the left. The fuel line covers have yet to be attached, but the telemetry antennae are clearly visible.

Blok B / Second Stage:
This photo seems to have been taken from close to Block A in the previous shot, looking towards the second stage.
Skirt section with 4 engines:
Perhaps my favourite photo from this set, a segment of the skirt and engines from the base of the first stage / Block A.

Fully assembled Block A skirt with engines.
And finally, an assembled skirt with the outer ring of engines. You can see the two rings of hatches around the skirt, (though it’s a little overexposed).

In the unlikely event it is of interest…
Many of my readers will know that I do work for the Enzmann Archive, making videos of their starship designs, and that kind of thing. Michelle Snyder of the Foundation asked to interview me, and this is the result.
It covers how I ended up specialising in Soviet Spacecraft, and has some advice for those getting started in 3d graphics!
This Edition’s Cool image:
This was a serious proposal for a 50 rouble banknote, from 1990. It would feature the cosmic visionary Tsiolkovsky, and Buran /Energia amongst other elements.
This edition’s cool link:
Vincent Meens has produced an excellent set of 3d printable files for a model of the N1, and they are available for the bargain price of 5 Euros!
And he’s also released a larger, more detailed version.
For more info see his Facebook page post.
And he used my N1 references to make the model! You can buy them here.
This Edition’s 7 day download:
7 days only to grab this free download.
Awesome historical post, Nick. I especially like the N-1 photos that have a person in them, for scale. Makes you see how gigantic this machine was. Also, on a modeling note: Vincent Meens' 3D models are really beautiful. He puts in ALL of the tiny details that the big model companies skip. I have several of his models, and I advised him on his Apollo LRV. I already have the N-1 model from RealSpace Models, or I'd definitely buy his.
may i recommend another two N-1 models?
One is for free with cutaway option and detailled interior
The other one is the most detailed one in 1:60, finiished about 1,8 m tall, for only 19 €
Thx for the beautiful photos @nick